Here are collection of resources Ubin has collected over the years. This list is maintained as a hopefully useful reference to the reader. Please feel free to e-mail him and make suggestions!
Following three references are classical solvent peak "go-to" papers; flying around near your NMR machine.
❯TopSpin: This highly functional program is avaliable free, as long as you can get an academic license (university E-mail is required, and you must use it to make a Bruker account).
Ubin is currently really really interested in the power of the A.I. Some reading with regards to publishing follows: (all open source articles; can download directly from the ACS websites linked below)
note: Ubin has done some experiments with AI with regards to synthetic organic chemistry. The bottom line is, as it stands, ChatGTP (both 3.5 and 4.0), Google Bard, or Bing cannot help with designing or analyzing experiments. In the field of organic chemistry, it simply hallucinates too much. I look foward to much more powerful advances which surely is coming!
Ubin's blog: In process control
Ubin will post things related to chemistry (and otherwise) to his new blog; In Process Control. Please visit! :)
Thanks for reading!
"Wir suchen uns Wege,
Die keiner sonst fand."
"We search for our way,
that no others have found."
-An apt description of science and total synthesis.